Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mud stomp

It rained in torrents.
The best kind of rain.
The best kind of rain for dancing.
I took my iPod and head phones out with me, slightly afraid of electrocution, but not enough to turn me from my mission. My bare feet loved the squishy mud and clear water. If I was going to dance on the wet dirt,  I might as well do it unshod.
My iPod was on shuffle, it took me awhile to find a song with a good beat. When I did, there was nothing to stop me from stomping, leaping, and twirling in delight. I was on fire, and the rain cooled me off.
In only felt a little self-conscious, but not enough to make a difference. I delighted in my rain dance, why have I never tried before? Why has it never occurred to me to dance as the heavens poured out life to my Earth? I suppose it's because I never had a very transportable form of music before, one can't just lug a boom box or a radio into the pouring water.
Right as I began to surf shuffle again, my iPod died, and my private party came to an end. But that was okay, the rain had stopped, I was ready to go in.


  1. Sounds like so much fun. Rain in Utah is always a joy.

  2. Thanks Echo :) I pour my heart and soul into everything I right.
    Ryan, it is, isn't it?
