Thursday, December 10, 2020


I feel on fire, my brain incapable of quieting in the dark, my body exhausted. 

I feel trapped, hurtling towards a middle, but at the same time in forced repose; nothing 

more to prepare.

I feel relieved, dismayed I have wasted much vitamin B on stress.

I feel empty, critique is over, but I am inert, a body at rest. I should be busying.

I feel procrastinatory, reading with fervor in order to forget my upcoming-now-past 


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Dry grass sprinkled in
fresh snow elates the heart
Blue, tan and white, love.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Bull (A Cut-Up)

The summer solstice isn’t the only thing;
Intense, moody shoegaze
Not just a record of
    a thrashier sound.

Two-step shit
    for the love of litter
Leaves her children to
    Evaluate students who cannot take
    an assemblage of Random sheets

Looking at them in every situation,
Traditionally the benefits
    richly evocative of
    protected forest floors
Under the flames, someone is trimming a hedge
    the same as in previous years

An empty bull
Of leaves has
Impacted the system
To look at each student as a whole
In a time full of uncertainty


(From the October Slug Magazine and a USU campus newspaper)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Girl Problems

Everything in my pockets leaping out

    kamikaze chapstick, phone and knife.

Oh fuck is my period coming today?

    Wore a pad for three days of non-bleeding

    Hiked two miles out with cramps, but hey, didn’t cry.

None of my bras fit my body like a glove

    Grab my boobs and squash them, 

    or make them look grapefruit big.

If I wear a skirt is he going to think I like him in that way?

    I was feeling Spring today, and my feather skirt goes     

    nicely with rain.