Saturday, February 14, 2015

theory of relativity

The things around me that
I cannot immediately see
exist almost entirely,
merely in my head.

The surrounding world,
The universe,
and how these things work.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Winter Morning (A transcript for a Public Speaking Assignment)

I would like to describe a morning spent at the house I watched with my sister last week. The house is studded all around with large windows, allowing an excellent view in all four directions.
Wintery Eastern Mountains slowly lighten from the dark blue of dawn. This is where the horizon is first touched with color, going from deep black to light blue over the course of the morning.
The early light brushes the white top of Mt. Nebo with soft pink, and then tints the deserty West Mountains a dark saffron from top to bottom, going on to illuminate the towns, hills, and ponds below.
Finally, the light slowly creeps across the valley. It’s almost imperceptible when it reaches this house. First the juniper hill at the Western fence line is illuminated, then the closely shorn hayfield, and suddenly there is no line of light, no shadow of the mountain to block out the sun.

After the sun has risen over the mountains ringing this valley, everything is bathed in light, and most people are already going about their short day in this warm winter.