Monday, May 31, 2010

As you will... (Try and figure out what THAT means! :})

How could.... wait, I probably shouldn't ask that question, right? I  don't want my life to get any busier, and if I ask how could it get busier, I will end up jinxing myself...
Anyway, you would probably like an explanation;
Papa, R.D. and J. came last Friday, but R.D. and J. had to leave early-ish. Papa, however, stayed until late Sunday afternoon! What fun! I think we were a little too busy during most of the time he was here. Saturday was Heritage day, and my sibs were selling things on main street, some of them had been planning things for months. So unfortunately, we couldn't really blow it off on account of Papa. Still, it was fun having him down there with us, and I think it made it more enjoyable for Dad. He hates Heritage day, all of the befuddled, unfriendly, conniving tourists bug him. Why was that day especially busy for me? Two weeks earlier, I got a phone call from Sis Soap, she wanted to know if I could help her out on Heritage day, I said sure. She told me she needed me to help her show her house during the town-wide home tour (that's mainly why the tourists come on the last Saturday of May.) I said I'd do it. And I did. It was interesting, I think I learned more about the house then the tourists did. I only had to be a tour guide for about two hours, Sis Soap had tons of girls from Young women's helping too. Albi was on my shift, she took the kitchen over from me when she finally arrived. I took over the front room from Sis Soap, who was extremely tired by then. I took care of it by myself for a while. It wasn't very hard, I didn't have to walk around much, all I had to do was point out some photo albums to the tourists, and answer questions.
The whole thing really wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I agonized over the upcoming experience the evening and morning before. It really wasn't worth the stress, as usual. You have no idea how many times that's happened to me. No idea.
Saturday evening Dad, Jeru, and Tor were in a flurry trying to get ready for their trip to Yellowstone. They pulled half the house apart trying to locate some sleeping bag stuffing sack. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. They pulled apart the under-stairs storage place. They didn't plan anything very well. Dad forgot his fishing pole, and his cellphone. He's been using A.'s.
Anyway, their hurried departure (about 5:30 in the morning, but I'm not sure that's even the exact time, it might have been 1:00.), made for some problems. As you know, Dad left his cell phone home, and Papa didn't have any way to get back to wherever it is he's been staying. (T.'s house, I think. I do  know that Nana's been staying up there. So I guess Papa's been  staying there too.) Papa could have just hitched a ride with Dad and his friends, but the car wouldn't have fit them all. So T. came late Sunday afternoon to pick Papa up. I think that worked nicely, we got to keep Papa longer and see T. in the process. Other than that, Sunday was pretty uneventful. (Busy-ness wise, that is.)
Today, Jesse and I went down to help Sis Soap set up for a garage sale on Friday. I am Ti-erd. I guess that's why I've been on the comp so long today. I'm also taking my own sweet time writing this post.
Anyhow, we (Jesse and I) worked pretty darn hard, for two hours straight, to be exact. Among other things, I cleaned an RV, loaded the dishwasher, moved a whole bunch of clothing, washed out a couple of wheelbarrows, shook hands with Jabba the Hutt (Just kidding, I wanted to see if you were still paying attention. Back to the actual jobs...), filled up a bird bath/fountain, and helped move an exorbitant amount of bags and boxes. And the most amazing thing of all, I had fun! Can you believe that? Very few people actually like work. I must be really weird. (Not that I've Ever really disliked work. Well, in the past six or seven years, at least. I've heard that I was pretty bad at first.) So, yeah. Fun stuff.
Now I'm just relaxing, talking to my Mom,eating her yummy food, watching Pretty In Pink, comping,  just generally hanging out. The exact opposite of my never-ending work this morning, but also fun stuff :)
I hope this makes sense, I'm feeling too lazy to really proofread this post, so I apologize for any imperceptible (By me, at least,) typos or crazy run on sentences. I wouldn't advise reading this out loud, you just might pass out, should there be any never-ending sentences :)