Friday, February 5, 2010

How to....

I think i am getting reckless in my old age(Haha.) I used to be very close mouthed, but i got sick of that. Now I'm saying just a little too much, or else I'm not really thinking very hard about what i really want to say. I am dashing out my writing without much editing. I used to care too much, but now i care too little. What is it about extremes in us human beings? I (in particular) need to find balance. I need to relearn how to be careful and caring about certain things, but not so much that i won't ever talk or share what i write.
How can i do this? Hmmmmm... I can be careful and enthusiastic about things at the same time. I think that will help. Anything else? I'm not sure. I think that's it!
(I think my posts will get longer over time. Thanks for being patient, whoever you are)

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