Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is a paper i wrote for a class I'm taking, it's written from the view of Anne Frank. I will probably post again later today, but i just wanted to share this.

"Here i am sitting by my window like i often do. Today has been dismal, there is nothing to do.
It's dark and drizzly outside. The street looks positively pitiful, I am glad I am in here. Still, I miss the old days, it is hard being stuck in here all day, all week, all month. I wonder from time to time how my friends are doing, I hope with all my heart that they are safe and well.
Everyone I have seen looks hunched over, as if they had the worlds troubles heaped on their backs. I wonder how things are in the outside world? From the looks of the people, not so well.
I should like to know the thoughts of the woman who just passed by, she is the most despondent looking one in the crowd. Do you suppose her family has been taken away? Or maybe rations have been reduced yet again? I could wonder about this all day, but i don't think i will.


  1. Guess what?! I forgot to take this to my class today! Can you believe that? I also didn't bring the real world observation paper i wrote. The only one i actually did bring was the imaginary observation paper i wrote for fun.

  2. I rewrote the whole thing for a side assignment for the class. I do hope S. likes it :)
