Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Out of the box we call politics (I'll just say it like I feel it)

How is it that people still believe in all of these useless structures of society? Why are we letting it go on? What could we possibly do to change it all?
Politics are useless; politicians only care about their own agendas and getting re elected, and besides, they are so easily bought off in this age and time. Their usefulness to the people has come to an end. I won't deny that they did their jobs properly for a time, but it's time for something new. The nature of time is change, the nature of nature is change, but here we are, stubborn humans holding so desperately onto outdated notions, values, and structures.
But how do we, the ones who see, change anything? We are so rarely the ones in power, we are so often seemingly powerless. The things that facilitated change in the past have been rendered impotent. Nobody listens to us. The founding fathers didn't trust the common people to make the right decisions for the better good of all, and this is still the perception.
But it's time for something new, it's been so long since we've tried anything radical, or revolutionary in our societal structures. Why not do away with structure all together? I have no idea if the majority of people would be able to handle it, but we've used caste and class systems for so long, it is time for something new.

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