Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Quagmire, Quandary, call it what you will.

I find myself wanting to return to facebook two weeks earlier than I had really planned. I've missed it much of the time I've spent away, though it's not like I ever actually went into (haha) withdrawal.

I miss talking with my friends, and being connected with my family. I also have a ton of photos I want to post, and a few I really want to share with certain friends. facebook is such a diverse and expansive world, there's so much I can do with it, so much I haven't been able to do all summer, though I've been able to do other things instead.

I wish to return early, though I also find myself hesitant about doing so, almost like to do so would be to fail a promise I made to myself. Like reactivating my account before school starts would be cheating.
Back and forth, a debate between feelings and reason, ha. We'll see how this goes, maybe I can prolong a decision for so long that before I know it, school will have started and my problem will have been solved!

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