Monday, April 12, 2010

Anne's path to her soul, a short sort of story.

Anne was able to really focus on herself whilst in hiding. She had the opportunity to delve deep within her personality and explore. What she found there was even stranger and more beautiful than she could have ever imagined, she found her untainted soul, the true Anne. She had to dig through many layers of Anne-masks in order to get there, and the Anne-masks did not easily give up their hold on her.
Everyone was used to the masked Anne, and became perplexed when she dared to uncover and set free her true self. Their reaction made Anne falter, the masks gained power once again.
Still, Anne tried numerous times. And each time, the people around her were shocked by what they saw. This new Anne was too alien, too strange, and too unfamiliar for them. This Anne was deep, this Anne knew things. Anne had become quieter, less boisterous. She didn't prattle, she spoke with feeling. Anne had a true and beautiful personality under her masks.
But this unmasked Anne didn't have much time or space to grow. It did not have the strength to persevere all of the time. The masks were too familiar, too comfortable. There were two interchangeable Annes, both vying for attention and control. How long this went on, we do not know. Which Anne won out? I think the unmasked Anne won, the Anne that was kind, the Anne that cared and loved. The true, infinite Anne. The Anne that told stories to little children at Bergen-Belsen.


  1. This is true! When you read a Diary of Anne Frank, you do see Anne change as a person. But that's also cause of her age, because going from 13 to 15 is a big difference!

  2. Very true, Aicha. Strange what a few years can do to a person...
