Saturday, September 27, 2014

The kind of perfect I'd like it to be

I would love all of your enemies and turn them to angels 
And place their hands in yours 
And you would walk through life held up by many people like a child with a handful of balloon strings.
I know you don't need me, 
But still I would make my arms into a bubble of love all around you, not to protect you from everything, but to remind you that you are so strong and I'm right by your side if ever you need me. 
I am not my own, but that's because I am yours and gods and my family's, I'm not one but a great many strings held up and holding others up in the beautiful swirl of god who is life and love. 
Nothing's ever going to be perfect, I came after happily ever after, and my siblings came after me; actually, it's all perfect, but it's never going to be the kind of perfect everybody thinks it should be. 
The kind of perfect I'd like it to be. 

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