Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bagger Vance

Reading The Legend of Bagger Vance is not what I expected it to be. I am filled with a vague but persistent yearning, much like the yearning of two or three years ago.
Who knew golf could be so intimately entwined with the divine and metaphysical? And it fits so perfectly, it doesn't come off as stilted or silly. The story is just bit cheesy in places, but not so much as to be off-putting.
I learned things from I never expected to learn in the context of golf, and somehow, the sports lingo peppered all through the book aren't difficult to read at all. I know nothing about golf, and I still know next to nothing, but I didn't have to skim through the game descriptions, they were so poetic and fluid.
I'm probably not going to become passionate about the game of golf, but it's taken on a new meaning and color in my mind, and The Legend of Bagger Vance is probably going to be one of those books I carry in my heart forever, the reading of which has defined a pivotal point in my life and growth. 

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