Wednesday, March 19, 2014

We All Have Our Own Astonishing Light

Some of us want to be Scarlett Johansson
And some want to be Tom Waits
Others want to be Liam Hemsworth or Edward James Olmos or Marilyn Monroe
Still others just want to look like that popular kid back in highschool
Or their Aunt, a little bit older than them, who's always seemed to have her shit together.

All completely different, but one thing remains the same all the way through;
Most people don't want to just be themselves,
Few people are satisfied with the color or thickness or texture of their hair,
They think their eyebrows are too thin,
Their noses too long,
Everybody knows freckles are ugly,
and the freckleless crave constellations on their own skin.

I would say
Who cares about acne?
Why bother with the thickness or slenderness of your own wrists?
There's always going to be someone with longer hair, stronger muscles, tanner skin.
Why chase after ghosts when you are real and right in front of me
And astonishing in your own light. 

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