Saturday, September 21, 2013

Negative charge on negative charge

Underneath it all, I really do believe that life and the world are good. I believe this is all worth it, not so much that all of the garbage and static of life is worth it, but that fundamentally, living is worth it. 
One day at a time, even the days that do nothing but make the inside of my ribcage itch; even those days are worth it. The days where I want to do nothing, nothing but disappear and possibly melt into a ball of apathy and laziness and terror and quit thinking and caring and worrying and wondering about the future. I suppose that even those days are worth it. I've learned that on the whole, the good out-weighs the bad, even if the good is or seems to be so long and far in between. There's so much small good interspersed within the overwhelming bad. 
But today I don't wanna anything. I'm dragging myself through the sludge of hours by my fingernails, every cell quailing against every single responsibility and requirement. When did I get so self-centered? I want to change, but I don't want to change. I want to change, I'm so bored and tired and apathetic, and i really, I'd rather be happy and have fun, but I don't want to change because it's scary and it would require work and trying and I really just don't want to do anything. I'm bored, but I don't want to do anything. Even writing seems a little like a waste of time. I feel like everything's a waste of time, but I can't figure out what isn't a waste of time. Tug of war, I suppose. 
The thing is, I won't feel like this later, most likely. I might feel like this again, it's a possibility, but I won't feel like this later. Who shot me on Marvin's wavelength with the empathy gun or whatever it was called? Not fair. 
Ehh, it'll pass. It always does. But what do I do when or happens again? What do I do to prevent it from happening again? 

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