Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm a goose, I missed posting a few letters so now I'll give you three at once, because I like it when the week days they were written on match up with the ones I post them on

Day 18, a letter to Sybil Trelawney

Dear Trelawney,
I was terribly excited when I read your name on the list! You're
such a quirky character. And you're one of my favorites, even
though none of the golden three can stand you.
I can't say as I know if I'd like your class. I do believe in a lot of
the unseen, and you are a true seer, even if that's not exactly
one of your most prominent traits at first sight.
Dumbledore believed in you, so I think that I do.

You almost remind me of Luna, in a way, and I really like Luna.

You're a really well developed character, in my opinion; that
makes you all the more lovable.

It's rather funny how I've gone from writing to you guys as real
people to writing to you purely as characters.
I wonder what constituted the change?
I think it gives me more freedom in what I can write to you. I can
write about how I think you're well written.

I really think you were well-represented in the movie, Emma
Thompson was wonderful. She really is an exquisite actress.
You know, it took me the longest time to figure out that it was
Emma Thompson who played you, but then again, I have only
just become familiar with her in films. I really liked her in Stranger
Than Fiction, and she was good in Nanny McPhee.
The Harry Potter movies were cast really well.

Thanks for reading, I really enjoyed writing this letter.

March 7th, 2011. Monday

Day 17, a letter to Argus Filch

Dear Filch,
I have to say that I was a little surprised to see your 
name on the list.
You don't seem like all that prominent of a character 
to me.
And I can't think of much to say to you, sorry.
Have a nice Sunday.
March 6th, 2011. Sunday

Day 16, a letter to Alastor Moody

Dear- may I call you Mad Eye Moody?
Dear Mad Eye Moody,
You probably weren't as crazy as most people thought
you were.
You were just very careful, and you had good reason to be.
I can only imagine all of the powerful enemies you made
during your Auror days.

You probably would have made a pretty good defense
against the dark arts teacher if you'd only had the chance.
That whole situation cracks me up, I'm not sure why.
Pretty weird though, isn't it?

Thanks for the services you gave to the wizarding world,
you played a great part in the salvation of our worlds as we
know them.

March 5th, 2011. Saturday

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