Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For Raven

 Just for you, Raven :)
I headed out to my garden with my cat the other day to take sunflower pictures just for you.

That's all there is, there isn't
any more.


  1. And the gift is taken with quivering hands. And then it is held tightly to a quickly beating heart. And the heart, large and tender, can feel the lovely warmth of sunflowers who are the servants of heaven and the fathers of poets. And there is a smile on a tired face which cuts through sorrow and burns in the kiln of gratitude and love.

    You said I seem to be changing, but I hope you still know me well enough to know how happy your gift made, even when I can't find the proper words to thank you.

  2. May it be remembered, and treasured, for it was given from the heart, to the heart.

    I know you well enough to feel, and that is really all I can understand much of the time anyway :)

  3. Hmm, why on Earth did you see "that's all there is, there isn't any more"? That's akin to God creating the world, then saying "well, that's enough for one week." You underestimate the gift, dear.

    Well, being able to feel is the most I could want.

  4. My sister's had been watching Madeline at the time, I suppose you are not familiar with it. Is your sister younger or older than you?
    I don't really know why I chose that saying particular to end it, after all, gifts keep on giving, I suppose, and there are always more to come.

  5. She's younger, but not by very much. But I think she used to watch that years back, if I'm thinking of the right thing. Something to do with France? An orphanage?

    I'll take it as the kind of statement that has a wry smile hidden in the lines, then.
