Saturday, May 4, 2019

A meeting halfway between the worlds: A dream from so many many years ago, about a person who no longer/never really existed

It's halfway between day and night. I'm in another world, one that didn't exist until I slowly woke up. Rain softly falls on the tin roof overhead, contributing to the surrealness of being awake, and making the pre-dawn light an even softer blue-gray than normal.
There is something about rain that just makes me feel as if it was lightly storming in my bones, my soul turned to white-gray. The storm creates a sense of tranquility; a sense of calm and peace. I feel completely comfortable, alive, and in the moment, even as I remember a particular dream from the night before.

Rain had been pattering softly on the roof in that one dream, too.
There was almost a bitter-sweet sort of anticipation in the air, a sort of lemonade atmosphere. Someone was coming, someone who had to travel far and long to see me, someone who I had never met before in the physical world.
I had been hurriedly cleaning the room that I share with my three sisters when I heard someone softly coming up the stairs.
It was him, the one who I seem to know so dearly, but have never seen in my life. We hug, long and happy, the moment savored.
There is a certain amount of awkwardness after the hug, neither of us really know how to behave, we are both cautious, overcome by the strangeness of the moment,  though we don't feel shy or uncomfortable. I suggest a walk, even though rain is still pouring outside.
Most of what I remember about the dream are colors and feelings, black hair, tan skin, gray light. Happiness, and a sort of sadness. Perhaps that is my outside awareness, the part of me that knows it was only a dream, the part of me that so much wishes it could happen in real life.

I once wrote of a chance meeting, a meeting with a person I would never see again, I wrote "The heart hopes on, as it always will". That line perfectly described how I felt then, and how I felt as I woke up in the peaceful gray of a rainy dawn. It wasn't real, but, oh, it was beautiful.

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