Monday, June 9, 2014

Love and Let go

Hello little sister.
You know what is ridiculous?
It is ridiculous to feel resentful toward a person because you have afforded them every kindness you could think of, every kindness you could remember, and still they seem to ignore you.
It is ridiculous to in that moment forget every thing they have returned to you, but also ridiculous to scrape those things together and shape them into something beautiful again, as shredded as they are by neglect. Let them go, I suppose, and let them be. They are not melancholy, they are not morose, they are not tragic. Merely, they are left behind. They are memories and phantoms, and maybe you can turn them into beautiful pictures and language, but that will not bring any person back to you.
It is ridiculous to expect other people to abide by the same rules as you do. Prideful as you may be of your little loyalties and thoughtfulnesses, other people have their own in their own ways, and it is their choice, their choice only, whether or not to apply them to you.
It is ridiculous to cling so tightly to the word 'friend' in conjunction with a person who clearly has no intention of walking that path with you, of being connected with you by that little sunshine yellow string. It's hard to say if it is worth holding on to, as far as the other person may stray. I don't know the future. You don't know the future, but even that you cannot count on. As ridiculous as it may be to keep stamping your heart with their faded name, I suppose it can be comforting; this little bit of faithfulness, but if you are not conscious, it can feed bitterness, and that certainly is not worth your energy.
It is ridiculous to feel resentful toward a person because you feel the need to remain attached and they don't. Continue to peacefully love, no expectations, no conditions, or just let go.  

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