Friday, August 23, 2013


Hello love,
I'm in a weird space today, a weird mood. School all day; too much math, a little reading, a bit of writing, the rain pouring on and off all morning and most of the afternoon. Storms give me such a different, new way of being; introspective and reflective, an eye turned inwards with eyebrow raised.
I love it, I love storms, the rain and darkness and lightning and thunder. I woke early this morning to lightning flashing outside of my window as everyone else slept and murmured in their dreams.

Life is so strange, do you have any idea how strange it is? Living minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and suddenly whole years have passed by. This strange human invention called "time", that has almost nothing to do with how the world truly works, and yet it fits together perfectly.
I don't think I believe in duality, but I think in contradictions, nothing fits together perfectly, or rather, it all connects in a great big knotty mess.
This world, this society, I've said it too many times: but I don't understand it. It's destroying us, our humanity and souls and relationships with ourselves, each other, and Mother Earth. I gave her my whole heart, but I don't think it helps, it doesn't seem to be helping. I don't know what to do. How to change the world when it feels bent on twisting you, when it's twisting the people around you? How to live when it seems so hard to survive... I don't want the future that is presenting itself to mankind, or rather, the future mankind seems bent on pursuing. They think it is progress. Ha. We took a wrong turn on a wrong path, and yet we're still so smug about our superiority.

That was a ll a strange change of subject I suppose, but the sun is coming out, and the shadows grow longer.

Because this just came up on a movie we've started, I shall end this prattling post with a quote that seems relevant, hopefully:

"The world is his,
who can see through its pretension...
See it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it
its mortal blow."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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