Monday, December 24, 2012

Just venting

My heart is broken; my dog is weak and seems in pain. He is thirteen years old, a goodly age for a purebred German shepherd to reach, and he has lived a great amount of it in comfort and health. He has seemed relatively happy, even as his body began its descent into the universe, but these past few months, and suddenly today, he has become miserable.
My heart hurts to see him so unhappy today, even though he is still so beautiful. His eyes are so sharp, even though he is quite blind, they seem to plead with me, pain in their very depths. I feel it is very nearly his time, and I am actually much more at peace with it than I have ever been. I am so very grateful to have had him in so much of my life, my companion, my big brother, and now my grandfather. He is a beautiful soul, and my only sadness now is his pain, his decay, though I am not sad for his decay. He is still so regal and peaceful and beautiful. He is still himself.
My heart is broken.

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