Saturday, December 31, 2011

Redemption Song

How many songs have been written for redemption, or to inspire revolution, a new world, peace, and new ways of thinking? How many artists, writers, and musicians have hoped to inspire millions, perhaps even the whole world, only to have had their works fall flat,  or to have inspired just a few of the hundreds of people who follow them and their works?

Just how do you bring people together? How do you unite a nation, much less the entirety of mankind?

It really shouldn't be all that hard, after all, we all come from the genus homo sapiens, we all live on the same planet, we all live and breathe and eat and reproduce, more or less.

Most of us are taught the same basic truths through our religions; love, compassion, the golden rule. That ought to bring at least a great majority of us together.
And yet religions set themselves far apart from each other, refusing to acknowledge their similarities, refusing to work together for the same end, the end that, really, all of them are looking to achieve.

Once again, we really aren't all that different.

So why hasn't anyone been able to accomplish world peace or unity as of yet?

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