Monday, April 25, 2011

Ever wonder if eternity starts now?
Or if you're already creating your world?
Ever wonder if it's really as simple as that?

Ever wonder if all these Mormon dreams aren't as huge and impossible as they sometimes seem?

It's rather cozy, in my heart.



  1. yeah..

    Seriously, you're mormon?!

    I know you're from Utah..

    Excuse my ignorance but have you watched Sister Wives?

    So what's it like, being mormon?

  2. I've been baptized, but I don't attend church and I don't really consider myself a mormon. I've never been accepted, and I just don't really believe in the truth lying wholy in one certain religion.
    I haven't seen sister wives, it sounds interesting though, wasn't there another polygamy series? What was it called? Oh yeah, Big Love, I want to see that :)
    It sure as heck stank to be a homeschooled mormon among mormons when I went to church.
