Saturday, July 13, 2013

Letters Blog: May 4th, 2011. Wednesday

Another letter to Yo

Dear Yo,

You've become a sort of confidante 
in my mind.
You don't really talk back, and I 
probably wouldn't talk to you in 
real life like
I do in my mind, but who knows? 
Maybe this is just practice.
I've been very open to you in 
our person-to-person correspondence,
I'm generally very closemouthed 
and afraid of what people will think of
what I say.
Perhaps the conversations 
(more like monologues) I have
with you in
my mind will allow me to feel 
comfortable to really talk with 
you, and
perhaps with other people as well.

I wonder what you would think if 
I were ever to tell you all of this, or
if you were to come across this 
letter. Would you even recognize
this as being written to you?

You know, there are all these 
rather abnormal questions I want to
ask people, though I doubt I 
will ask most of them.
I want to ask you what you 
honestly think of me, what 
you think of
what I have to say, and what 
you thought of me when we were
first introduced.
I wonder if there are any questions 
you want to ask me. I would
answer them truthfully, I think I 
generally do.
In a strange way, I trust and 
relate to you as a sort of kindred
spirit from what I know of you, 
and what you have told me.
I won't say that I haven't found 
many kindred spirits in my life,
I've found quite a few, and most 
of them became my best friends,
If only for a time.
the thing about kindred spirits 
is they don't stay that way for long.
Would you remain a sensed 
kindred if I were to get to know 
you more,
or am I just projecting? It 
doesn't seem that way to me, 
but I don't know.

Would you be scared of me, 
or who I am, if you were to 
get to know me
better? I see myself as a very 
strange and abnormal person 
inside and
out. I don't really know if anyone 
else thinks that. But judging from
Sixbillionsecrets, most people 
think they're completely alone in their
fears and insecurities. Everyone 
thinks they're the weirdest person

I had a whole other paragraph 
here, but it digresses from the rest of
the letter, it has no point, so 
I'll just forget about it.

Thank you for all of you've
unconsciously and indirectly taught me.
Thank you for reading this letter, 
and thank you for being you.

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