Monday, July 8, 2013

From Letters Blog: March 30th, 2011. Wednesday

Dear one, you wouldn't know who you are. 

I don't know who you are.

Not an HP letter.

Dear Yo,
It's strange to say that I'm actually 
going to
miss them.

I mean, it's not as if I've ever 
really even talked to
you. Actually talked to you.

I have no idea how to fix that though. 
I could, but
then again I probably won't.

Y'know, I actually rather admire you, 
and you've
managed to inspire me in various 
non-direct ways.
You're cool, you seem almost 
aloof, but I think
that's just because you're shy.

I've always wanted to impress you. 
Dumb, isn't it?
It's not like it matters. You're two 
years older than me.
You could be anybody.
But still I wish, and still you 
manage to
steal into my dreams.
A lot of people seem to do that, 
and most
often not in the ways you do.


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